Parsing a fileformat with radare2

January 11, 2015

Thanks to Skia, one of our RSoC participants, radare2 is now able to show structures, like headers, in a meaningful way.


Lets see an example together (or watch the video):

$ r2 -nn /bin/true

The -nn option tells radare2 to load predefined binary structures.

[0x00000000]> pf.
pf.elf_header [16]z[2]E[2]Exqqqxwwwwww ident (elf_type)type (elf_machine)machine version entry phoff shoff flags ehsize phentsize phnum shentsize shnum shstrndx
pf.elf_phdr qqqqqqqq type offset vaddr paddr filesz memsz flags align
pf.elf_shdr xxqqqqxxqq name type flags addr offset size link info addralign entsize

The pf. command list all relevant structures for the current file. Time to see the header:

[0x00000000]> pf.elf_header @ elf_header
               ident : 0x00000000 = .ELF...
                type : 0x00000010 =  type (enum) = 0x2 ; ET_EXEC
             machine : 0x00000012 =  machine (enum) = 0x3e ; EM_X86_64
             version : 0x00000014 = 0x00000001
               entry : 0x00000018 = (qword) 0x00000000004013e2
               phoff : 0x00000020 = (qword) 0x0000000000000040
               shoff : 0x00000028 = (qword) 0x0000000000006320
               flags : 0x00000030 = 0x00000000
              ehsize : 0x00000034 = 0x0040
           phentsize : 0x00000036 = 0x0038
               phnum : 0x00000038 = 0x0009
           shentsize : 0x0000003a = 0x0040
               shnum : 0x0000003c = 0x001c
            shstrndx : 0x0000003e = 0x001b

Woohoo, it’s working! Currently, radare2 has native support for ELF, PE, MACH0, … Feel free to implement more ;)

Implementation of a new format

This is what a ELF header looks like:

#define EI_NIDENT 16

typedef struct {
        unsigned char   e_ident[EI_NIDENT];
        Elf32_Half      e_type;
        Elf32_Half      e_machine;
        Elf32_Word      e_version;
        Elf32_Addr      e_entry;
        Elf32_Off       e_phoff;
        Elf32_Off       e_shoff;
        Elf32_Word      e_flags;
        Elf32_Half      e_ehsize;
        Elf32_Half      e_phentsize;
        Elf32_Half      e_phnum;
        Elf32_Half      e_shentsize;
        Elf32_Half      e_shnum;
        Elf32_Half      e_shtrndx;
} Elf32_Ehdr;
  1. Look at the structure defined in .h or any valuable documentation about a file format
  2. Convert each component type in pf symbol equivalent, for example first is unsigned char e_ident[16]:
  • unsigned char is the type that makes up C strings. Here we’ve got an array of 16 elements.
  • e_ident should contains the Magic Number: A numerical constant or text value used to identify a file format. In ELF, this magic number is a magic text (ELF), so we better have to display/parse it like a string (z).
[16]z e_ident

Set this new type in pf just with pf.elf_header [16]z e_ident

To try that new type and parse an elf :

  1. Open an elf file: r2 /bin/ls
  2. Do not forget to set the type: pf.elf_header [16]z e_ident
  3. Run stored format at offset 0 of the elf file: pf.elf_header @ 0.

You can also check the video

The next element is an Elf32_Half, in the same .h we can see that Elf32_Half is a uint16_t or unsigned short int, this type is w (as in word) in pf format.

If we merge both previous elements we have: [16]zw e_ident e_type

Nested structures

Once you have created a format, you can include it in an other one to make nested structures. Imagine you create a pixel format like this: pf.pixel bbb red green blue

You can now include this pixel in a row structure containing 32 pixel for a 32p width picture with pf.row [32]? (pixel)example_name

The same way you can define a header format, and a global image format containing first the header, and then all the row you need: pf.image ?[42]? (header)my_header (row)my_rows

Still with nested structure, we can also make format to display linked list or other complex data structures. You define a format containing a pointer to itself: pf.elem i*? data (elem)next. Running that format will print it until finding a null pointer.

[0x00000000]> pf.elem i*? data (elem)next
[0x00000000]> pf.elem
      data : 0x00000000 = 42
      next : (*0x10) struct<elem>
      ---- :
      data : 0x00000010 = 4000
      next : (*0x20) struct<elem>
      ---- :
      data : 0x00000020 = 66
      next : (*0x0) NULL

Writing with pf

We can also use pf to write/replace content in a parsed struct. For example we can replace the parsed magic number using =:

[0x00000000]> pf.elf_header.e_ident=.ELO...
w .ELO... @ 0x00000000

r2 displays the command to type to overwrite the elf magic : w .ELO... @ 0x00000000

We can also directly prepend the pf command with . to write without need of copy/paste the write command.

. pf.elf_header.e_ident=.ELO...

There is also a video.


Now you should be able to parse every file format you want with radare2! If you want to integrate your templates within the codebase, make sure to check the wiki about how to do this.

We’re currently working on improving the structures support, so stay tuned for more awesomenes!